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Tag: sqflite

How do I select and count records less than 1 year old?

I’m using sqflite in my Flutter application. In this example, date is the actual date(10.06.2021) and DATUM is the datafield in the DB. I keep getting this syntax error: E/SQLiteLog(30657): (1) near “.2021”: syntax error in “SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Shisha_table WHERE (YEAR(10.06.2021) – YEAR(DATUM)) = 1” Answer There is no YEAR() function in SQLite. The logic of your code

Flutter Insert data into the database sqflite

I need to insert the data one at a time and add it to the end of the string, but what happens is that the way I’m doing is overwriting the data Output: This is my SQL: Output SQL: I need it to be like this: Answer According to my comment, use 3 tables : RECEIPTS id nameReceipt descReceipt 1
