My database in Microsoft Access looks like this: Every Client can have many assistants. Every Assistant may have one client or no clients at all. Assistant have a Nice field which is Boolean, indicating whether the Assistant is nice. I need a query where I can get all of the clients, together with a boolean value indicating whether they have
Tag: relationship
Selecting values from second column alongside the values from first column in the same row
I am trying to get values matching the value from the second column. For example, I want to know who is the sender for Bill Gates by only using IDs. I have two tables, I want to select based on “user_receiver” column the matching values in the column “user_sender” For example, I want to know who is user_sender for 2
MySQL Query – Pending Friends Approval / Relationship between user & friends
I have two tables: g_relationships (id,request_id,receiver_id,status,approved) g_users (which contains: id,username,…) I have a hard time making a query that adds a temporary column, checks whether userid: 4 exists in request_id or receiver_id column, and take the other userid and fetch username from g_users and adds it to the temporary column. For example: Lets say I have userid 4. I then
how to disallow custom lists to have elements from different base lists
I have the following model: BASE_LIST: in this table we store base lists. Base list can be for example the list of cities in a continent, types of automobiles in a shop etc. ELEMENT: in this table we store the elements of base lists. For example the cities and the car types are here (Budapest, London, Paris, Opel, Bmw, Audi)
Relationship model of an inventory control
I’m trying to create a mer diagram, for an inventory control with the following logic, I have 10 components of the same model (10 ACER 24 monitors, with the same characteristics.), The only thing that …
SQL – Multiple one-to-many relationships
Is it possible somehow to do multiple one-to-many relationships between 2 tables? Like: Table abc abcID defID message Table def defID abcID message If yes how can I then make a new abc entry with …