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Tag: postgresql

Calculate account balance history in PostgreSQL

I am trying to get a balance history on the account using SQL. My table in PostgreSQL looks like this: so the user with id number 2 currently has 40 dollars in his account. I would like to get this result using sql: Is it possible to do something like this using sql in postgres? Answer To get a rolling

Limit the random value of timestamp from january to yesterday date

How can i limit the randomize timestamp on my query from 2020-01-01 up to this date or the date of yesterday. This is my current code that i’m experimenting and trying to use and play around but it keeps inserting data with a year 2019.. Answer This expression will produce a random date/time between Jan 1 and the current time:

PostgreSQL11 xpath query not working properly

When I execute below query in Postgres 10.12, it works properly. Output: But When I execute same query in Postgres 11.7, it is not working. What is the solution to fix this issue? Answer This is caused by this change: Correctly handle relative path expressions in xmltable(), xpath(), and other XML-handling functions (Markus Winand) Per the SQL standard, relative paths
