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Tag: mysql

Time difference between rows

In a mysql database (ver.5.7.15) I’ve got the following table named operation_list containing the following data: id (autoincrement integer, primary key), operation_date_time (datetime), operation (…

Multiple joins on same table

I’m trying to achieve a query which seems simple but I can’t make it work correctly. Here’s my database tables structures: Here’s what i want to achieve: Mutliple members can register to an activity. Then, i group the registrations by tandems. I want a view with all the tandems listed and there’s my problem. When I try a query, it

Is there a way I can get output of count values in MySql?

I am dealing with getting the output of some common values. My database is quite big so I am just giving a dummy database here for understanding purposes. Here is the table I have: I have to extract only those variables that have the given common room numbers alotted. This is the table for the required data: Its output should

MySql Trigger for notification

In a table in MySql database, I have a boolean column with ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ for appointment confirmation. As soon as appointment gets ‘Yes’, a notification is sent via an AWS Lambda call. I want to send a 12 hour prior notification before the day of the appointment. What is the best way to do that in My Sql utilizing

How can I secure this sql query from SQL Injection in Laravel?

I am trying to create restAPI in Laravel. How can I secure an SQL query like this from sql injection? Answer Laravel’s database query builder provides a convenient, fluent interface to creating and running database queries. It can be used to perform most database operations in your application and works on all supported database systems. The Laravel query builder uses

SQL Getting the party with highest votes

I am trying to make a voting system through a SQL server, and I can’t get it right. What I am trying to do is get the party with the highest amount of votes. I expect something like [DEMS][8], or at the very least, the party name of the party with the highest votes. Answer Rather than using a WHERE

Query for similar phrases

Is there any way to match ‘United States of America’ with ‘United States’ in SQL? I have the country with the name ‘United States’ stored in the database. The query below should retrieve the item from the database with the name ‘United States’. Thank you! Answer Is this what you want?
