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Tag: mysql

Get a count of individual instances of a value in MySQL

I have a table with two fields, inbound and outbound, both of which are text values. I want to get all a count of all instances of a specific value in either or both of those columns. Here’s an example of the schema with some values and my query: Here’s an SQL fiddle with the schema and my current query

SQL Query to find top 5 cumulative tweets

How to find the top 5 months with the highest number of cumulative tweets and sort it according to the number of tweets of each month. Table twitter structure is like this: Token type Month …

multidimensional “WHERE IN” condition?

As is well-known, we can simplify as follows: Is there a similar shortcut possible for “multidimensional” conditions as in the following: in a form resembling something like this ? I would be willing to count anything as a simplification that uses O(n) characters where the factor is significantly smaller than in the naive example (i.e., adding one more case makes

MySQL join another table value based on 2 different tables matching value? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question The intended result is 12(price) and pic.png(profilepic). Is this possible to join jobs and profile based on the matching job_id’s (jobs+offers), which have matching user
