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Tag: max

Select field based on other column max value in oracle pl/sql

I am calculating a field called “Degree Level” in a view. This is a field in the table “Degrees”, and the table shows degrees for each faculty member. A faculty member can have more than one degree. The field “degree level” is also in the table “Crosswalk_Table”. I want to choose Degree level for a faculty member based on the

Maximum mark in Subject with Staff name

Write a query to display list of staff name, subject name handled, maximum mark scored in that subject. Give an alias to the maximum mark as max_mark. Sort the result based on maximum mark in descending. This is the schema diagram. This is the code I have tried. I was abled to pass one testcase but I could not abled

mysql update with if and max

I have lost hours on this and nothing works for me. I have filed strp_aa that is default NULL. The filed strp_aa should update only if its null with MAX strp_aa + 1, and if its not null if it already has a number it should stay the same. short version of code is Also tired I tried multiple things

SQL selecting most recent row inside join

I have 2 tables companies and invoices I want to select all companies with their most recent invoice price. I don’t seem to get it working. This is what I tried: But the query loads very long and I don’t know why. The structure looks like this: companies invoices The BC_ID is the same as the company_id and ISCOMMISSIE should

Easy substraction of year’s values

I do have the following database table containing the timestamps in unix format as well as the total yield (summing up) of my solar panels every 5 mins: Now I would like to calculate how much energy was produced each year. I thought of reading the first and last timestamp using UNION of each year: This works fine but I

How do I find the 2nd most recent order of a customer

I have the customers first order date and last order date by doing MIN and MAX on the created_at field (grouping by email), but I also need to get the customers 2nd most recent order date (the order date right before the last orderdate ) Answer Use window function ROW_NUMBER() (available in MySQL 8.0): This will get you the earlierst
