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Tag: max

Stuck to select maximum row

I have a table with columns: I need to select row with maximum value, and show info like I tried using group function MAX(), but I can’t select fullname, because if I use it as a GROUP BY expression, it will select max in groups. Other way, is to use WITH statement, order table by value desc, use function and

PostgreSQL cross join using max returns null

I want to select the max() value of the modified_at column in each of several tables: This works correctly as long as each of the tables has at least 1 row. The problem is that when just one of the tables has 0 rows, null is returned for all tables: What is a solution that returns the correct values for

SQL subquery with aggregate value

Sorry for the vague title, I’m a little lost here. I have two simple aggregate SQL queries, but I struggle to combine them in a functional way (likely through a subquery) in IBM DB2. Main goal is to run COUNT function in INVOICES table – but with the starting date based on a subquery MAX aggregate result. But as noted,
