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Tag: mariadb

Show specific rows in SQL by not existing in another table

I’m not very experienced in advanced SQL and stackoverflow, so I’m trying my best to explain what I need. Let’s say I have a table called ‘Shift’ and a table called ‘Schedule’. ‘Shift’ has columns ‘shift_id, shift_start, shift_end, shift_day, shift_function_id’. shift_start represents a start time. shift_end represents a end time. shift_day represents the number of the day in a week

Ranking subcategories while keeping order of ID

I have the following table: I would like to rank the subcategory (cat2). Desired outcome: I use DENSE_RANK with PARTITION BY to get the following result: Statement: As you can see, the only thing I’m missing is the order of the result. Currently, the rank is based on the alphabetic order of cat2. However, I want to preserve the order

Query table using multiple foreign keys

So I’m just messing around with a NodeJS application, and I’m trying to implement a permission system using my database. It’s my first time working with any kind of SQL environment, so please correct me if I’m doing something terribly wrong. I have the following tables: So there are 2 ways a user can get a permission, either via a

MariaDB : an INSERT…SELECT with empty VALUES too

I want insert data from another incomplete table, so some values must be empty in NOT NULL fields. For example, I have two tables : people and peopleTemp. In people table, I have a lot of fields : permit_number, first_name, last_name, gender, tel, etc. In peopleTemp table, I have only permit_number, first_name, last_name and a special field updated, set after

How to select count between start to (start+length) [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question How the following result appears when creating a table as above. This is the result of counting if the value is included between start plus

I want to fetch 2 records with same id

This is my user table and i want to fetch 2 rows in descending using user_id. I want output like. Thanks in advance Answer I think you strictly need an ANCIer approach. You should try below co-related sub query – Fiddle.

Creat procedure in mysql

I was learning sql from w3schools.Here is given simple mysql procedure but somehow I couldn’t to write down this procedure I’m new in sql please could you provide me with feedback. DELIMITER // …
