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Tag: liquibase

Liquibase coming with Spring Boot handles the database well with changelog.xml. How can it generate its sql at the same time?

I’m using the default Liquibase configuration coming with Spring Boot. I have: a changelog.xml file in src/main/resources/db/changelog that works fine, along with url, changeLogFile, driver, username, password properties in, and a Maven pom.xml having this for <dependency> and <dependencyManagement>: Aside from the update of the database structure led by changelog.xml that is working fine at development time, I would

Create index with multiple columns

How can I create index with multile columns in liquibase yaml. I was trying to do something like that: But I am getting error column ‘name’ is required for all columns in an index. I saw similar questions, but answers/examples was written in xml and it was not working for me. Answer Above worked for me,

how to convert this sql query to liquibase query

I have table like this I need to delete all duplicated rows with equals A nad B value and lower C value after running sql script i need to have only this row with top C Value for every equals A and B columns this is the sql query i am using how to convert it to liquibase query Answer

INSERT INTO table SELECT not working with constant values in H2 DB

Following is the H2DB query What I am trying to achieve is to insert a record into userpermission for user with given email address in user table, for each permission in permission table. Following is the error The same query is working in MySQL. Answer As mentioned in the comments, Use single quotes for sting constants. Do not use braces
