I have these 3 Tables. Now I need to show the timezone name from the timezone table in the Devices Table by using left join. How can i do that? Please Help Table Name : [pbi].[GEOTAB_INFO_GROUPS] Table Name : [adl].[GEOTAB_VEHICLE_INFO_DEVICES] Table Name : [pbi].[Location_Time_Zone] I Am trying like this but not getting the correct result Answer
Tag: join
Problem with creating a SQL view with multiple joins
I am trying to create a view which will be a base for Excel export in API. Basically, what it contains is information about particular projects. To said projects calculations can be added (it all happens on the form on frontend). Those calculations are called EBIT, EBIT+ and OVI. User can add either one, two or all of them, so
Remove duplicate columns after using join on in sql
I have the following sql query that joins two select statements on two columns The query produces the following output. | Name | ItemNum |TicketNum |TicketNum |ItemNum | But I would like the output to be | Name | ItemNum |TicketNum | Answer Solution 1: Specify the column names like this Solution 2:
How can I join two tables on an ID and a DATE RANGE in SQL
I have 2 query result tables containing records for different assessments. There are RAssessments and NAssessments which make up a complete review. The aim is to eventually determine which reviews were completed. I would like to join the two tables on the ID, and on the date, HOWEVER the date each assessment is completed on may not be identical and
How can I join 4 tables
Please help to modify the below code. I want to join these two select queries such that I can get a single output with records from two diff tables ? I have 4 tables, table_a has the user id that I have to use to search table_b1 has the foreign key for table_c which has the name that I want
Return IEnumerable rather IEnumerable
I need to join two tables and get the data from one of the table using linq. The join works fine but it returns IEnumerable <$IEnumerable><$Ojbect> and I need IEnumerable<$Object> Here is the code: Thanks Answer In general, when you want to “flatten” a collection, SelectMany is the construct you’re looking for. In LINQ Query Syntax, that’s accomplished with multiple
Find ID which doesn’t exist from another table
I am studying SQL and I am not sure which is the way to filtering data. For example, there I have two tables: Reference_OrderTable: OrderID Item Price OrderTable: OrderID Item Price Reference_Ordertable: this table has all the type of orders. OrderTable: this is the actual order table, we store by customer’s orders. I am looking for missing orderID in OrderTable.
Escape square brackets from Like statement in two table joining
While comparing the data which has square brackets Ex: ‘-[VVE172BUS-3.30]-‘ I am using below Select * from ServerOps.dbo.tbl_VmHealth_Firmware where biosname like ‘-[[]VVE172BUS-3.30]-‘ AND i am getting the right outout however I need to compare biosname ‘-[VVE172BUS-3.30]-‘ with another column from different table. Could you pls help me how to escape the [] while joining two columns Answer The problem with
Update a a column in some specific items of a table, with values from a column in another table
I have 3 tables. I want to update all Image rows from table 1, with local image from table 3. Table 1 is liked with table 2 by ID. Table 2 and 3 are linked by itemRef. As an example of what I want: is that ID 1 from table 1, gets image A. Because ID from table 1, is
How to join one column multiple times to many columns? – SQL
I have two tables like: I want an output like: I think this will require JOIN and UNION ALL, but I can’t figure out how exactly to put everything together. I’m confused because we’ll need to join multiple times per row. Would appreciate any help, thanks Answer You can do: However, I would say the cardinalities of those relationships look