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Tag: group-by

How to overlap NULL values in MYSQL when using group by?

This is my current table, let’s call it “TABLE” I want end result to be: I tried this query: but it doesn’t work i tried replacing NULL with 0 and then perform group by but “TBA” (text value) is creating problem, kindly help me out! Answer This looks like simple aggregation: This takes advantage of the fact that aggregate functions


I have a table with items (id_item, name, category, stock,…) I’d like make a query to group by result on category and LIMIT 10 first items which are in this category Is it possible? Answer You can use row_number(): The ? is for the column that specifies what YOU mean by “first”.

Syntax for counting greater than and summing a value with multiple joins without the keyword having

I’m learning SQL (Postgres) and I’m slightly confused about something I’m trying to do. I have the following tables. Employee: Project: Department: And works_on: For this, I was trying to do something slightly more complex: To create a view that has project name, department name, number of employees, and total hours worked on each project that has the criteria of
