I have two tables: Current_Ranking: id rank 1 20 2 25 3 26 4 17 Previous_Ranking id rank 1 20 2 26 3 18 4 17 5 5 I want to get as a result all records in …
Tag: google-bigquery
How to find the average distance between the locations
I have a table with source, destination and distance between the locations like as below i want to calculate average distance between the locations like, for example if we take A to B route 1: 21 miles, route 2: 28 miles, route 3: 19 miles I am expecting results: A to B –> 22.66 miles Thanks Answer Below is for
BigQuery query on (custom) timestamp partitioned table returns zero results
I have a table in a dataset with the following schema: date TIMESTAMP id INTEGER … The table is partitioned on the date column. Displaying a preview of the table in the BQ UI reveals it has many …
Merging tables in Google BigQuery with UNION ALL
I would like to do something like this in BQ. The tables have different schemas. Any ideas how to achieve this? SELECT YYYYMMDDHH, CONTAINER, Parent_Container, PROTOTYPE_ID, Withdrawal_this_hour FROM …
Big Query – Convert INT to Date
Can not find any solution to this: Need to convert date(int) in the format – 20190101 to DATE in the format “2019-01-01” I have tried: Cast(cast(20190101 AS STRING) AS date) FORMAT_DATE(“%F”,CAST(20190101 AS STRING)) And so on…no success Answer You are looking for PARSE_DATE():
Column X which is neither GROUPED nor AGGREGATED – StandardSQL / BigQuery
I’ve been reading posts about this and the so many suggested solutions didn’t work as I want. I’m trying to get the sum of some columns for the same rows then selecting all the other columns when …
Getting the Top 5 rows by score for each group
I’m trying to get the top 5 comments by score for each Reddit post. I only want to retrieve the top N comments by score for each post title. Example: I only would want comment 1 and 2 for each post. …
Bigquery: Select top 3 with Group By condition
I have a table like this I want to select the top 3 total by groups. How can i do it? Answer In most [big data] use cases using ROW_NUMBER() is not fine as it ends up with resource exceeded error. This is because it requires all point of same group be present in same/one node which in case of
Use of right in standard SQL in BigQuery
While running the following code in standard SQL in BigQuery, I’m getting an error stating Answer You can use substr() instead :
Summing totals from nested and unnested data in a single query
I am working on nested Google Analytics data to build a query, I need to unnest 3 levels in order to get all the fields I need, but once I have unnested the SUM() of my .totals fields are far too high,…