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Tag: google-bigquery

Google BigQuery SQL: How to fill in gaps in a table with dates?

Data Table: Dates Customer Subscription 20/02/2020 A free 21/02/2020 A free 22/02/2020 A free 23/02/2020 B free 23/03/2020 A full 01/03/2020 B full 01/03/2020 A full 02/03/2020 A full Need to fill gaps in dates by the value in the previous date Output: Dates Customer Last Subscription 20/02/2020 A free 21/02/2020 A free 22/02/2020 A free 23/03/2020 A full 23/03/2020

Is there a wait method for Google BigQuery SQL

I’m scheduling a query to run every day that picks up data from a table that get’s written to Google BigQuery automatically. Usually the table is there, but I’d like to be sure before I execute the query depending on this table. I’m looking into other ways as well, but the simplest way seems to be to use just SQL

Efficient Multiple Group-bys

I have the following table: Year Week Day_1 Day_2 Day_3 2020 1 Walk Jump Swim 2020 3 Walk Swim Walk 2020 1 Jump Walk Swim I want to group by YEAR, WEEK and Event (Walk, jump, Swim) and count the …

Bigquery split rows by timestamp of event

In Google BigQuery, I have a list of events in a single support session which are tagged by event names. Each support issue resolved_time is the timestamp of the resolved event. Each issue start_time is the first occurrence of either of the events message, pending, or unresolved either at the absolute beginning of the session or following a resolved tag.
