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Tag: exists

Why should I use EXISTS() function in MySQL?

I have this query: And when I remove that EXISTS() function, still my code works: So why should I write that? What’s its advantage? Answer In short: EXISTS returns when it finds the first result instead of fetching all matching records (so it is more efficient when there are multiple records matching the criteria) EXISTS is semantically correct. When there

Return 1 if number exists in table and 0 otherwise

I want to return 1 if some number already exists in table and 0 otherwise. I tried something but it doesn’t work: I want something similar to exists function that already exists in PostgreSQL, but instead of true and false I want 1 or 0. Answer EXISTS yields a boolean result. The simple way to achieve what you are asking

How to update a table if values of the attributes are contained within another table?

I’ve got a database like this one: I’m trying to create a query that would enable me to update the value of the status attribute inside the incident table whenever the values of all of these three attributes: tabor_vatrogasci, tabor_policija, and tabor_hitna are contained inside the izvjeĆĄtaj_tabora table as a value of the oznaka_tabora attribute. If, for example, the values
