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Tag: dbi

Syntax error in SQL code being used in R, no row_number function found

I am using RSQLite, DBI, and dbplyr packages. I’m watching this YouTube video by TechTFQ. I’m getting a syntax error with this line. Error: near “row_number”: syntax error I’m certain that the SQL syntax I’m writing here is the same as what I’m watching in the YouTube video, except for the differences in the dataframe that I’m using and the

Encoding special characters SQL to R and back

I have a problem passing data from R to SQL and then reading it back The original data is from some excel files and have the following word: Průmyslový Using latin1 for encoding depreciates the u within the word Prumyslový Using latin2 for encoding changes the accent of the u Prùmyslový Which encoding could i use? I am using an

How to compose query properly using dbGetQuery command?

I have a small database in PostgresSQL. And I connected to it via R-studio and try to retrieve data from database. I wrote a command, but it doesn’t work. And I don’t know what’s the problem. Please, help me. So, the code works well. But these two codes fail Where con is the postgres connection object. And of course query

How can I print the SQL query executed after Perl’s DBI fills in the placeholders?

I’m using Perl’s DBI module. I prepare a statement using placeholders, then execute the query. Is it possible to print out the final query that was executed without manually escaping the parameters and dropping them into the placeholders? Thanks Answer See Tracing in DBI. The following works using DBD::SQLite but produces a lot of output: Output: <- prepare(‘SELECT … FROM
