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Tag: db2


I am wondering when using the NEXT VALUE FOR does it lock the data area in the background? I want to make sure it does not create duplicate sequence numbers.

Select data from date range in DB2 SQL

I have a trouble trying get a data in DB2 SQL. I have a table Name StProdMoves and it holds data like this ProdName | Status | Brand | Type | Date(Numeric) ———-+———+——-+——-+—–…

Convert string to a date in db2

Ok I was able to get it fixed. I want to convert the string “10-Feb-2019 11:20” to “DD-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss”. I tried to date but it wasn’t working. I saw on other threads that the translate function …

nested join in Db2

Folks, what is wrong with this query i get error stating below in DB2 LUW. [42703][-206] “d.sales” is not valid in the context where it is used.. SQLCODE=-206, SQLSTATE=42703, DRIVER=4.23.42 [56098]…

Understanding where clause vs join

Can somebody explain the difference between below query examples. select column1,column2 from table1 join table2 on table1.columna = table2.columna and columna=’1234′ vs select column1,…

Fetching Results after ibm_db.execute()

Take a look at the following code: import ibm_db #Authentication Details f=open(r”C:UsersXXXXXMy Code.rc”,”r”) lines=f.readlines() us=lines[0].rstrip() pd=lines[1] sql_file = “NNM_SQL.sql” f = …

DB2 Unique Constraint over multiple Columns

Is there a way to create a unique constraint over multiple columns like in Mysql? The only thing i have found is the unique keyword directly after the field. Thanks in advance! Answer You should be able to add a unique constraint as: As with other databases, this is almost exactly equivalent to creating an index. The difference is that
