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Tag: cs50

Where am I going wrong in my cs50 pset 7 10.sql nested query?

I am currently trying to find the names of all people who have directed a movie that received a rating of at least 9.0 the scheme for these tables is MY SQL QUERY IS : This however fails the check50 test, and gives incorrect output. Can anyone help me with where I’m going wrong? Answer The spec says (emphasis added)

CS50 Pset 7 13.sql, I can’t solve it, nested sqlite3 database

DataBase movies.db tables directors (movie_id, person_id) movies (id, title, year) people (id, name, birth) ratings (movie_id, rating, votes) stars (movie_id, person_id) you can download the database. Question I’m new in programming, so I decided, to begin with, CS50 Harvard course here is the problem and the test solution: In 13.sql, write a SQL query to list the names of all
