I have a lot of existing records which I want to copy using an INSERT, for example if I have a query: The common key is biDataset, the primary key in this table is biPK which is auto incremented on each insert. Here is the table structure: What I want to do is copy all the records that exist where
Tag: copy
How to copy CSV into table with missing column?
I want to import data from a csv file into redshift. CSV format: Here is my import command: The problem I have is that sometimes, my file has only col1, col2 and col3. Is it possible to execute the COPY and add null for the missing values? Answer Yes, but must be explicit about it: The missing col2 will be
Snowflake Failed to cast variant value “{TIMESTAMP VALUE}” to TIMESTAMP_NTZ
Above is the copy statement that I have made. But I keep getting the following error “Failed to cast variant value “2020-09-265T08:03:42.358Z” to TIMESTAMP_NTZ” Answer There’s a problem with the input data: September 265 is not a date. If you want to parse that date to null, you can use TRY_CAST instead. If you want to attempt to fix the
In Oracle, Can you create a new table with the same groups if you use CTAS Query?
I use the query CTAS to create a new table, however, when CTAS has finished, other users can´t select the new table, but they had access to the old, Is it a way to pass all the users and groups to the …
PostgreSQL copy/transfer data from one database to another
I need to copy data from one table to another. the two tables have almost the same structure, but are in different databases. i tried wenn i try this, i get error cross database … not implemented Answer This is a really straightforward task. Just use dblink for this purpose: If you need to fetch data from external database on
How to create copy of database using backup and restore
Using SQL Server Management Studio 2012, I’m trying to create a copy of a local database. I found a few variants of solution. One of them – backup and restore database as new one – HERE. Currently create database backup with name Rewards2_bak. This copy of file place in to system catalog C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL11.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBackup Next step – create
How to export all data from table to an insertable sql format?
I have a Table (call it A_table) in a database (call it A_db) in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, and there are 10 rows. I have another database (call it B_db), and it has a Table (call it B_table), which has the same column settings as A_table has. But the B_table is empty. What I want: Copy every rows from
SQL Copy row in a table with relations
Hope some one can help me, I would like to copy rows in same table and that table has relation to another table that I have to copy related row accordingly: Table1 I copied rows with table0Id = 3 Table1 I would like to do the same to Table2 depending to the Table1 Ids like this: Table2 Table2 As you
SQL Server – copy stored procedures from one db to another
I am new to SQL, and what I needed to do was to combine 2 .mdf databases into one. I did that using SQL Server 2008 Manager – Tasks > Import/Export tables.The tables and views were copied successfully, but there are no Stored procedures in the new database. Is there any way to do that? Answer Right click on database
How to copy a row and insert in same table with a autoincrement field in MySQL?
In MySQL I am trying to copy a row with an autoincrement column ID=1 and insert the data into same table as a new row with column ID=2. How can I do this in a single query? Answer Use INSERT … SELECT: where c1, c2, … are all the columns except id. If you want to explicitly insert with an