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Tag: compare

PSQL: How to compare record to previous record (2 tables)?

I have two tables: 01_System_Log Records I need to create a view, where the records of the last request id (3) are compared with the previous (2). So far I made a view, where the most actual records are shown. I am not sure how to proceed, while in all compare examples, which I have found, only one table was

Seeking help fixing a small sql query

I am needing a query to return a list of time entries from the last 21 days, sort that list by member id and then by start time, then compare the start time in each row against the end time of the previous row, then display the rows where the start time is larger than the previous rows end time.

How to compare database data in php

I want to compare the database data in the php. This is my table hospital_payment_data table cash_receipt_publish table This is my sql syntax in this web page result I Want result If the date and the amount match or the amount match, I would like to express it as False by comparing the table with the table in cash_receipt_public. Answer
