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Tag: blob

Python SQL: storing objects or iterables

Assume I want to store via sqlite3 a simple list of strings: or a python object with properties and methods. What I tried so far is to serialize (pickle) my_list, and the returned byte representation is b’x80x03]qx00(Xx01x00x00x00aqx01Xx01x00x00x00bqx02Xx01x00x00x00cqx03e.’. However, cannot be stored within a BLOB variable. Should I use a string variable instead, or should I find a way to

Reading BLOB column in oracle table

I have a table tbl which has below columns: When I run below query it works fine: But when I run below it throws error: I mean to say, if I select only 1 blob column to read , then date filter works fine. But when I select both BLOB columns with date filter in where clause, it throws below
