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Entity Framework .NET Core returns ‘Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values.’ but not in Debugger

The problem: on C#, MVC API with Angular 6 front end on IIS deployed solution. A simple HTML table with 8 filtering fields on specific columns runs queries on the back-end through an API HttpGet call. The function itself works ok, but NOT for specific strings. On the field ‘Description’ for example, the back-end returns ‘Data is Null. This method

Can you somehow overload the query in a method?

So there’s a Customer and a Seller and they’re both User. The only difference between them is that seller has a NameOfBusiness and customer does not. In the DAL I have this code: Is there a way to overload the query OR change the query so that you can fill in a NULL for NameOfBusiness? Answer Option A Do almost
