I want to swap dynamically values in column VAL2.
The case is when in tech I have got X. I want to upload data from other rows where values in cells are the same ( the only difference is EN1 and EN2 ) because values there are reversed.
~~ SQL server
I tried to update, case, but I do not know how to pass only one value in the update and make it dynamically for many different cases.
SET VAL2= (select distinct VAL2 from xx where
select EN1,EN2 .
where TECH = 'X'
declare @xx table
[Year] varchar(10),
EN1 varchar(5),
EN2 varchar(5),
P varchar(5),
M varchar(5),
CC1 varchar(5),
VAL1 decimal(18,9),
VAL2 decimal(18,9),
TECH varchar(5)
insert into @xx
('2021BUD', 'E1', 'E2', 'P1', 'M1', 'CC1', 1, 2, ''),
('2021BUD', 'E2', 'E1', 'P1', 'M1', 'CC1', 3, 4, 'X'),
('2021BUD', 'E3', 'E4', 'P1', 'M1', 'CC1', 5, 6, ''),
('2021BUD', 'E4', 'E3', 'P1', 'M1', 'CC1', 7, 8, 'X'),
('2021BUD', 'E5', 'E6', 'P1', 'M1', 'CC1', 9, 10, ''),
('2021BUD', 'E5', 'E6', 'P1', 'M1', 'CC1', 99, 1010, ''),
('2021BUD', 'E6', 'E5', 'P1', 'M1', 'CC1', 11, 12, 'X'),
('2021BUD', 'E7', 'E8', 'P1', 'M1', 'CC1', 13, 14, ''),
('2021BUD', 'E8', 'E7', 'P1', 'M1', 'CC1', 15, 16, 'X'),
('2021BUD', 'E8', 'E7', 'P1', 'M1', 'CC1', 17, 18, 'X');
select *
from @xx;
with cte
select t.EN1, t.EN2, t.VAL2, m.VAL2 as swapVAL2, count(case when t.TECH in ('', 'X') then 1 end) over(partition by t.EN1, t.EN2) as cnt
from @xx as t
join @xx as m on t.Year=m.Year and t.EN1 = m.EN2 and t.EN2 = m.EN1 and t.P = m.P and t.M = m.M and t.CC1 = m.CC1
update cte
set VAL2 = swapVAL2
where cnt=1;
select *
from @xx;
--or, no check for duplicates etc, all Tech{empty}rows have a single corresponding TechX row
declare @yy table
[Year] varchar(10),
EN1 varchar(5),
EN2 varchar(5),
P varchar(5),
M varchar(5),
CC1 varchar(5),
VAL1 decimal(18,9),
VAL2 decimal(18,9),
TECH varchar(5)
insert into @yy
('2021BUD', 'E1', 'E2', 'P1', 'M1', 'CC1', 1, 2, ''),
('2021BUD', 'E2', 'E1', 'P1', 'M1', 'CC1', 3, 4, 'X'),
('2021BUD', 'E3', 'E4', 'P1', 'M1', 'CC1', 5, 6, ''),
('2021BUD', 'E4', 'E3', 'P1', 'M1', 'CC1', 7, 8, 'X');
select * from @yy;
select *,
max(case when TECH = 'X' then val2 end) over(partition by Year, P, M, CC1, case when EN1 > EN2 then EN2 else EN1 end, case when EN1>EN2 then EN1 else EN2 end) as TechXVal2,
max(case when TECH = '' then val2 end) over(partition by Year, P, M, CC1, case when EN1 > EN2 then EN2 else EN1 end, case when EN1>EN2 then EN1 else EN2 end) as TechVal2
from @yy
with y
select VAL2, TECH,
max(case when TECH = 'X' then val2 end) over(partition by Year, P, M, CC1, case when EN1 > EN2 then EN2 else EN1 end, case when EN1 > EN2 then EN1 else EN2 end) as TechXVal2,
max(case when TECH = '' then val2 end) over(partition by Year, P, M, CC1, case when EN1 > EN2 then EN2 else EN1 end, case when EN1 > EN2 then EN1 else EN2 end) as TechVal2
from @yy
update y
--techX gets the VAL2 of tech and tech gets VAL2 of techX
set VAL2 = case TECH when 'X' then TechVal2 else TechXVal2 end;
select *
from @yy;