I am new to Postgres database. I am given 4 columns homeTeamName, homeTeamGoals, awayTeamGoals, awayTeamName. I want to find out the total goal(homeTeamGoals + awayTeamGoals) scored by each team.
select distinct hometeamname, SUM(hometeamgoals + awayteamgoals) as goals
from worldcupsmatches
where worldcupsmatches is not null
group by hometeamname
order by goals desc
the database is as follows
I think my solution is wrong. So looking for a better way
You can separate the table content as below, and then apply SUM function :
select teamname, sum(goals) goals
from (
select hometeamname as teamname, hometeamgoals as goals
from worldcupsmatches
where worldcupsmatches is not null
union all
select awayteamname, awayteamgoals
from worldcupsmatches
where worldcupsmatches is not null
) t
group by teamname
order by goals desc, teamname asc