Let’s say it is announced that 4 Aug 2022 is a public holiday. I have a table which shows the holiday_start and holiday_end dates. How do I exclude this date “4 Aug 2022” by inputting any date i want (bind variable) and showing it as excluded day
eg. leave is from 01-Aug-2022 -> 10-Aug-2022 excluded days= 1
i’ve tried this:
SELECT :LS "Leave Start Date", :LE "Leave End Date", 0 "Excluded Days" FROM Dual
and here is the table for reference
create table XX_LEAVES_EXCLUDES ( exclude_id number not null primary key, holiday_start date not null, holiday_end date not null ); create sequence seq_exclude_id MINVALUE 1 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 CACHE 2; create or replace trigger trg_exclude_id before insert on XX_LEAVES_EXCLUDES for each row begin :new.exclude_id:=seq_exclude_id.nextval; end; INSERT INTO XX_LEAVES_EXCLUDES (HOLIDAY_START, HOLIDAY_END) VALUES ('23-Jul-2022','20-Aug-2022'); INSERT INTO XX_LEAVES_EXCLUDES (HOLIDAY_START, HOLIDAY_END) VALUES ('01-Jul-2022','02-Aug-2022'); INSERT INTO XX_LEAVES_EXCLUDES (HOLIDAY_START, HOLIDAY_END) VALUES ('13-Jul-2022','29-Aug-2022'); INSERT INTO XX_LEAVES_EXCLUDES (HOLIDAY_START, HOLIDAY_END) VALUES ('12-Jul-2022','01-Aug-2022'); INSERT INTO XX_LEAVES_EXCLUDES (HOLIDAY_START, HOLIDAY_END) VALUES ('01-Jul-2022','29-Aug-2022'); INSERT INTO XX_LEAVES_EXCLUDES (HOLIDAY_START, HOLIDAY_END) VALUES ('08-Jul-2022','08-Aug-2022'); INSERT INTO XX_LEAVES_EXCLUDES (HOLIDAY_START, HOLIDAY_END) VALUES ('03-Jul-2022','20-Aug-2022');
I dont understand very well but assuming that “04 Aug 2022” has inserted in XX_LEAVES_EXCLUDES we have:
WITH XX_LEAVES_EXCLUDES AS ( select 1 as exclude_id, '04/08/2022' as holiday_start, '04/08/2022' as holiday_end from dual ) select :LS as "Leave Start Date", :LE as "Leave End Date", count(*) as "Excluded Days" from ( select to_date(:LS,'DD/MM/YYYY') + rownum -1 as day_by_day from all_objects, XX_LEAVES_EXCLUDES X where rownum <= to_date(:LE,'DD/MM/YYYY') - to_date(:LS,'DD/MM/YYYY') + 1 ) A, XX_LEAVES_EXCLUDES B where A.day_by_day between B.holiday_start AND B.holiday_end; Leave Start Date Leave End Date Excluded Days ------------------------------------------------------ 01/08/2022 10/08/2022 1
Please me back if it’s correct or specify me better the problem.
Thank you