I am trying to get the data for the best 5 customers in a railway reservation system. To get that, I tried getting the max value by summing up their fare every time they make a reservation. Here is the code.
SELECT c. firstName, c.lastName,MAX(r.totalFare) as Fare
FROM customer c, Reservation r, books b
WHERE r.resID = b.resID
AND c.username = b.username
AND r.totalfare < (SELECT sum(r1.totalfare) Revenue
from Reservation r1, for_res f1, customer c1,books b1
where r1.resID = f1.resID
and c1.username = b1.username
and r1.resID = b1.resID
group by c1.username
GROUP BY c.firstName, c.lastName, r.totalfare
ORDER BY r.totalfare desc
this throws the error:[21000][1242] Subquery returns more than 1 row
If I remove the group by from the subquery the result is:(its a tabular form)
But that’s not what I want, as you can see, I want to add the name ‘Jade’ with the total fare.
I just don’t see the point for the subquery. It seems like you can get the result you want with a sum()
select c.firstname, c.lastname, sum(totalfare) as totalfare
from customer c
inner join books b on b.username = c.username
inner join reservation r on r.resid = b.resid
group by c.username
order by totalfare desc
limit 5
This sums all reservations of each client, and use that information to sort the resulstet. This guarantees one row per customer.
The query assumes that username
is the primary key of table customer
. If that’s not the case, you need to add columns firstname
and lastname
to the group by
Note that this uses standard joins (with the inner join ... on
keywords) rather than old-school, implicit joins (with commas in the from
clause: these are legacy syntax, that should not be used in new code.