I have the following tables:
SELECT * FROM medicine
| id | name | producer |
| 1 | aspirin | pharma |
| 2 | cetamol | tamiko |
| 3 | brufen | pharma |
| 4 | cetacodeine | adamco |
| 5 | actifed | tamiko |
| 6 | claritin | tamiko |
SELECT * FROM liquid
| lid | m_id | price |
| l1 | 2 | 1000 |
| l2 | 3 | 1500 |
| l3 | 4 | 3000 |
| l4 | 5 | 2000 |
| l5 | 6 | 1800 |
SELECT * FROM tablet
| tid | m_id | price |
| t1 | 1 | 900 |
| t2 | 2 | 600 |
| t3 | 3 | 1200 |
| t4 | 5 | 2000 |
Where m_id in the last two tablest has foriegn key referencing to id in the first table.
I’m trying to list lid and name of medicines that are liquid and produced only by producer tamiko Executing the following statement will result in rows that contains null values returned from the subquery and I want to omit
SELECT lid, (SELECT name FROM medicine WHERE liquid.m_id=medicine.id AND medicine.producer='tamiko') AS byTamiko FROM liquid;
| lid | byTamiko |
| l1 | cetamol |
| l2 | NULL |
| l3 | NULL |
| l4 | actifed |
| l5 | claritin |
So I had some tries and using HAVING
clause seems like a solution
SELECT lid, (SELECT name FROM medicine WHERE liquid.m_id=medicine.id AND medicine.producer='tamiko') AS byTamiko FROM liquid HAVING byTamiko IS NOT NULL;
| lid | byTamiko |
| l1 | cetamol |
| l4 | actifed |
| l5 | claritin |
However, my teacher disagreed saying that HAVING
clause should be only used with aggregated functions and along with GROUP BY
statement. I’m now confused whether this is an appropriate usage or not? and what happened exactly that made it work?
Note: I have to do this query using sub queries only and not any JOIN
or different statement.
Note2: Be aware that This is not a duplicated, I’m trying to get an explanation on how it worked and whether it’s an correct usage or not.
It is not really appropriate.
In the SQL Standard having
is defined as filtering after aggregation and where
is for filtering before aggregation (if there is any aggregation).
MySQL extends this to allow having
in non-aggregation queries. This extension allows you to filter on column aliases without using a subquery. But you should use where
for filtering before aggregation.