I am trying using the following query on a POSTGIS (Postgres) Database. The original question: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/313252/postgis-sql-query-filter-by-bounding-box
SELECT row_to_json(fc) FROM ( SELECT 'FeatureCollection' As type, array_to_json(array_agg(f)) As features FROM ( SELECT 'Feature' As type, ST_AsGeoJSON(lg.geom)::json As geometry, row_to_json((id, name)) As properties FROM lines As lg WHERE lg.geom && ST_SETSRID( ST_MakeBox2D( ST_MakePoint(p_BB_XLong_MIN_3857, p_BB_YLat_MIN_3857), ST_MakePoint(p_BB_XLong_MAX_3857, p_BB_YLat_MAX_3857)), 3857)) ) As f) As fc;
However, i am getting the following Error:
subquery in FROM must have an alias
Seems you did not count (
and )
Remove 1 )
right before As f
and that should be ok.