I want to use some of the static data to the new BCP query and export the extracted data to CSV. The static data are generated as a result after running some BCP command earlier.
But I have been facing string formatting issue for creating the SQL query using those variables and generate a SQL command.
I simply want to use the following query in the BCP command:
select @version, @TotalRecords
BCP query I have used is:
@version varchar(10),
@HeaderCmd VARCHAR(500),
@StateCode varchar(2),
@v_Header_path varchar(255),
@TotalRecords int;
SET @StateCode = 'AL'
SET @version = 'ver4'
SET @TotalRecords = 20
SET @v_Header_path ='c:csvtest' + @StateCode + '_header.txt'
SELECT @HeaderCmd = 'bcp '
+'"select '+ @version+ '" '
+ ' queryout ' + @v_Header_path
+ ' -c -t, -T' ;
SELECT @HeaderCmd AS 'Command to execute';
EXECUTE master..xp_cmdshell @HeaderCmd;
The above command is generating the following sql command:
bcp "select ver4" queryout c:csvtestAL_header.txt -c -t, -T
and giving the error as:
Error = [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'ver4'.
I wanted to export the value of @version
and @TotalRecords
into the CSV file.
But I am stuck in a string formatting issue for creating the SQL query as the string.
Give the column a name, and output the value in quotes. Use consecutive single quotes to pass a quote to the string:
select @HeaderCmd =
'bcp ' +
'"select ''' + @stateCode + ''' as stateCode, ''' + @version + ''' as version, ' + convert(varchar(10), @totalRecords) + ' as totalRecords" ' +
' queryout ' + @v_Header_path +
' -c -t, -T' ;
This should then output:
bcp "select 'AL' as stateCode, 'ver4' as version, 20 as totalRecords" queryout c:csvtestAL_header.txt -c -t, -T