Here are my two tables’ structures in SQLite
CREATE TABLE user ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT );
CREATE TABLE attendanceTable ( id Integer, mydate datetime, startJob boolean );
- if
is 1 it implies that the employee is starting the job and if startJob is 0 it means employee is stopping the job.
is sorted by mydate
I want output as worked hour by individual employees.
Input of query can be two different dates e.g. 2021-08-20
and 2021-08-22
From which I want to know “How much each person has worked?”
Output should be:
[id, name, userWorkedTime] [1, Alice, 09:00] [2, Bob, 07:00]
12:00 to 16:00 + 22:00 to 03:00 = 9 hours
13:00 to 17:00 + 12:00 to 15:00 = 7 hours
Input of query 2021-08-20
and 2021-08-21
– output should be:
[id, name, userWorkedTime] [1, Alice, 09:00] [2, Bob, 04:00]
12:00 to 16:00 + 22:00 to 03:00 = 9 hours
13:00 to 17:00 = 4 hours
It may possible that Alice starts her job at 11 PM and end her job at 3 AM on next day[So working hour would be 4 hours]
I believe that the following will accomplish the results you desire:-
WITH /* The date selection parameters - change as necessary */ cte_selection(selection_start,selection_end) AS (SELECT '2020-08-20','2020-08-22'), /* Extract data per shift - aka combine start and end note that extract is 1 day befor and 1 day after actual selection criteria as previous/subsequent days may be relevant */ cte_part1(userid,name,periodstart,periodend,duration) AS ( SELECT, name, strftime('%s',mydate), strftime('%s', ( SELECT mydate FROM attendancetable WHERE id = AND NOT startjob AND mydate > at.mydate ORDER BY mydate ASC LIMIT 1 ) ) AS endjob, (strftime('%s', ( SELECT mydate FROM attendancetable WHERE id = AND NOT startjob AND mydate > at.mydate ORDER BY mydate ASC LIMIT 1 ) ) - strftime('%s',at.mydate)) AS duration FROM attendancetable AS at JOIN user ON = WHERE startjob AND mydate BETWEEN date ( (SELECT selection_start FROM cte_selection) ,'-1 day' ) AND date ( (SELECT selection_end FROM cte_selection) ,'+1 day' ) ), /* split times if period crosses a day*/ cte_part2(userid,name,periodstart,startdate,periodend,enddate,duration,startday_duration,nextday_duration) AS ( SELECT userid, name, periodstart, date(periodstart,'unixepoch') AS startdate, periodend, date(periodend,'unixepoch') AS enddate, duration, CASE WHEN date(periodstart,'unixepoch') = date(periodend,'unixepoch') THEN duration ELSE strftime('%s',date(periodstart,'unixepoch')||'24:00:00') - periodstart END AS startday_duration, CASE WHEN date(periodstart,'unixepoch') = date(periodend,'unixepoch') THEN 0 ELSE periodend - strftime('%s',date(periodend,'unixepoch')||'00:00:00') END AS nextday_duration FROM cte_part1 ), /* generate new rows for following days */ cte_part3(userid,name,periodstart,startdate,periodend,enddate,duration,startday_duration,nextday_duration) AS ( SELECT userid, name, strftime('%s',date(periodend,'unixepoch')||'00:00:00'), date(periodend,'unixepoch'), periodend, enddate, nextday_duration, nextday_duration, 0 FROM cte_part2 WHERE nextday_duration ), /* combine both sets */ cte_part4 AS (SELECT * FROM cte_part2 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM cte_part3) /* Group the final data */ SELECT *,time(sum(startday_duration),'unixepoch') AS time_worked FROM cte_part4 WHERE startdate BETWEEN (SELECT selection_start FROM cte_selection) AND (SELECT selection_end FROM cte_selection) GROUP BY userid ;
e.g. :-
and :-
Note All results with the exception of the time_worked are arbitrary values from the underlying data. However, userid and name will be correct as they would be the same for each group. The other values will be a value from the group.
- you can easily apply changes to the final query to include or exclude columns.
The full testing SQL being :-
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user (id integer PRIMARY KEY,name TEXT); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS attendanceTable ; CREATE TABLE attendanceTable(id Integer,mydate datetime,startJob boolean); INSERT INTO user VALUES (1,'Alice'),(2,'Bob'); INSERT INTO attendanceTable VALUES (1,'2020-08-20 12:00:00',1), (2,'2020-08-20 13:00:00',1), (1,'2020-08-20 16:00:00',0), (2,'2020-08-20 17:00:00',0), (1,'2020-08-20 22:00:00',1), (1,'2020-08-21 03:00:00',0), (2,'2020-08-22 12:00:00',1), (2,'2020-08-22 15:00:00',0) ; WITH /* The date selection parameters - change as necessary */ cte_selection(selection_start,selection_end) AS (SELECT '2020-08-20','2020-08-22'), /* Extract data per shift - aka combine start and end note that extract is 1 day befor and 1 day after actual selection criteria as previous/subsequent days may be relevant */ cte_part1(userid,name,periodstart,periodend,duration) AS ( SELECT, name, strftime('%s',mydate), strftime('%s', ( SELECT mydate FROM attendancetable WHERE id = AND NOT startjob AND mydate > at.mydate ORDER BY mydate ASC LIMIT 1 ) ) AS endjob, (strftime('%s', ( SELECT mydate FROM attendancetable WHERE id = AND NOT startjob AND mydate > at.mydate ORDER BY mydate ASC LIMIT 1 ) ) - strftime('%s',at.mydate)) AS duration FROM attendancetable AS at JOIN user ON = WHERE startjob AND mydate BETWEEN date ( (SELECT selection_start FROM cte_selection) ,'-1 day' ) AND date ( (SELECT selection_end FROM cte_selection) ,'+1 day' ) ), /* split times if period crosses a day*/ cte_part2(userid,name,periodstart,startdate,periodend,enddate,duration,startday_duration,nextday_duration) AS ( SELECT userid, name, periodstart, date(periodstart,'unixepoch') AS startdate, periodend, date(periodend,'unixepoch') AS enddate, duration, CASE WHEN date(periodstart,'unixepoch') = date(periodend,'unixepoch') THEN duration ELSE strftime('%s',date(periodstart,'unixepoch')||'24:00:00') - periodstart END AS startday_duration, CASE WHEN date(periodstart,'unixepoch') = date(periodend,'unixepoch') THEN 0 ELSE periodend - strftime('%s',date(periodend,'unixepoch')||'00:00:00') END AS nextday_duration FROM cte_part1 ), /* generate new rows for following days */ cte_part3(userid,name,periodstart,startdate,periodend,enddate,duration,startday_duration,nextday_duration) AS ( SELECT userid, name, strftime('%s',date(periodend,'unixepoch')||'00:00:00'), date(periodend,'unixepoch'), periodend, enddate, nextday_duration, nextday_duration, 0 FROM cte_part2 WHERE nextday_duration ), /* combine both sets */ cte_part4 AS (SELECT * FROM cte_part2 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM cte_part3) /* Group the final data */ SELECT *,time(sum(startday_duration),'unixepoch') AS time_worked FROM cte_part4 WHERE startdate BETWEEN (SELECT selection_start FROM cte_selection) AND (SELECT selection_end FROM cte_selection) GROUP BY userid ; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS attendanceTable ;