(TableMain) Task_Id Task DateTime Repetition Snooze_Time 8 Call esha 2020-3-15 12:29 1 5 9 Meeting 2020-3-15 11:50 1 1 (TableRoutine) Task_Id Task DateTime Repetition Snooze_Time 1 Go to GYM 2020-3-15 14:18 0 0
I have two tables in SQLite
I need result like this in Order By DateTime: (Column DateTime in both table is data type of DateTime of SQLite) I’m using this query to merge two tables data. But I need data in below formate.
SELECT Task, DateTime FROM TableMain UNION ALL SELECT Task, DateTim FROM TableRoutine
But I need data in below formate.
Task DateTime Meeting 2020-3-15 11:50 Call esha 2020-3-15 12:29 Go to GYM 2020-3-15 14:18
Is it possible to retrieve data like this?
You even do not need a subquery:
SELECT Task, DateTime FROM TableMain UNION ALL SELECT Task, DateTime FROM TableRoutine order by DateTime