This is my table definition:
create table User ( userUuid text not null primary key, username text not null, thisUserBlockedCurrentUser int not null, currentUserBlockedThisUserTsCreated int not null, searchScreenScore int, recentSearchedTsCreated int, friends int not null ); create index User_X on User(thisUserBlockedCurrentUser, friends);
And this is my query + plan:
explain query plan select * from (select User.* from User where friends = 1 and User.currentUserBlockedThisUserTsCreated is null and User.thisUserBlockedCurrentUser = 0 and User.username != '' union select User.* from User where recentSearchedTsCreated is not null and User.currentUserBlockedThisUserTsCreated is null and User.thisUserBlockedCurrentUser = 0 and User.username != '') order by case when friends = 1 then -2 when recentSearchedTsCreated is not null then -1 else searchScreenScore end, username; CO-ROUTINE (subquery-2) COMPOUND QUERY LEFT-MOST SUBQUERY SEARCH User USING INDEX User_X (thisUserBlockedCurrentUser=? AND friends=?) UNION USING TEMP B-TREE SEARCH User USING INDEX User_X (thisUserBlockedCurrentUser=?) SCAN (subquery-2) USE TEMP B-TREE FOR ORDER BY
So the index is used, but there is still a scan and a b-tree involved in the order by. I tried getting rid of them by adding more indexes, but I don’t get it working.
Any ideas of an index which gets rid of the scan
Your query can be simplified to:
SELECT * FROM User WHERE (friends = 1 OR recentSearchedTsCreated IS NOT NULL) AND currentUserBlockedThisUserTsCreated IS NULL AND thisUserBlockedCurrentUser = 0 AND username <> '' ORDER BY CASE WHEN friends = 1 THEN -2 WHEN recentSearchedTsCreated IS NOT NULL THEN -1 ELSE searchScreenScore END, username;
and the query plan will be:
SEARCH User USING INDEX User_X (thisUserBlockedCurrentUser=?) USE TEMP B-TREE FOR ORDER BY
I don’t see how you can get better than B-TREE in the ORDER BY
clause since you are using a custom expression to sort by.
See the demo.