I wish to get a list of articles along with the count of the comments for each article
My query looks like this –
comments_subq = meta.Session.query(func.count(Comment.id)).filter(Comment.article_id==Article.id).as_scalar() articles = meta.Session.query(Article, comments_subq.label("comment_count")) articles = articles.filter(column('comment_count') >= 5)
it gives this error
column "comment_count" does not exist LINE 5: WHERE comment_count >= 5
How can I use the count which I selected to filter the result?
This works, but is it the most optimal query?
count_subq = meta.Session.query(Comment.article_id, func.count(Comment.article_id) .label("comment_count")) .group_by(Comment.article_id) .subquery() query = query.add_column(count_subq.c.comment_count.label("comment_count")) query = query.outerjoin((count_subq, count_subq.c.article_id==Article.id))