I have seen this for the first time. This is a section in liquibase for defining the unique columns in a table. But I don’t understand which columns are unique.
<sql dbms="postgresql"> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX invoice_tax_id_null_index ON invoice_table (invoice_profit_id, invoice_account_id, tax_id, country_id, COALESCE(invoice_tax_id, -1)) </sql>
Are all of the columns mentioned here unique? For example
invoice_tax_id invoice_profit_id invoice_account_id tax_id country_id
Or is only
How to read that? Thank you very much.
The unique index specifies 5 columns, so generally this means that no two records in the invoice_table
can have the same 5 values at the same time. Attempting to do an insert with 5 values already existing in some other record would generate an error.