Sorry for the confused title.
I am on Teradata 16.1, I have two tables, one is a simple table with id and amount and another one is a detailed table with sub id’s and their amounts. In the second table the amounts are splits of the sub id’s which makes up the amount of id’s.
When Joining these tables the table A amount is getting repeated ( which is obvious ), but I need to get it only once so that I can reconcile that amount to other tables.Thinking of two solutions ( and open to others as well) but dont know how to achieve in sql. Its all in the Image.
Any insights?
create volatile table main_table
id varchar(10), amount decimal(10,2) ) primary index (id) on commit preserve rows;
insert into main_table values ('A1',600); insert into main_table values ('A2',700); insert into main_table values ('A3',800);
create volatile table sub_table
id varchar(10), sub_id varchar(10), sub_value decimal(10,2) )
primary index (id,sub_id) on commit preserve rows;
insert into sub_table values ('A1','X1',300); insert into sub_table values ('A1','X2',300);
insert into sub_table values ('A2','Y1',700);
insert into sub_table values ('A3','Z1',200);insert into sub_table values ('A3','Z2',300);insert into sub_table values ('A3','Z3',300);
You can number rows from sub_table to identify the 1st and hide main_table amount on others
s as (
select ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by id order by subid) n, *
from sub_table
select main_id, case when n = 1 then m.value else 0 end main_value, sub_id, s.value
from main_table m
join s on
main_id main_value sub_id value
A1 600 A1 300
A1 0 A1 300
A2 700 A2 700
A3 800 A3 200
A3 0 A3 300
A3 0 A3 300