The first column is the name of the locality,the second column is the number of voters in every locality.. my problem is on the third column because im trying to count voters that are unemployment but is counting all voters.sorry for my english.
select l.nombre as "Nombre",count(v.dni) as "Votantes",
(select count(v.dni) from localidades l,votantes v
where v.localidad=l.idlocalidad and v.situacionlaboral='Parado') as "Parados"
from votantes v,localidades l
where v.localidad=l.idlocalidad
group by l.nombre;
this is the out:
"Nombre" "Votantes" "Parados"
Sevilla 3 4
Baena 1 4
Córdoba 3 4
Montilla 1 4
Madrid 3 4
Utrera 3 4
Carmona 1 4
Badalona 1 4
Getafe 1 4
Try this:
select l.nombre as "Nombre"
, count(v.dni) as "Votantes"
, sum(case when situacionlaboral = 'Parado' then 1
else 0
end) as "Parados"
from votantes v
join localidades l on v.localidad=l.idlocalidad
group by l.nombre;
When you join two tables please do it like this:
from localidades l
join votantes v on v.localidad = l.idlocalidad
And not like this:
from localidades l,votantes v
where v.localidad=l.idlocalidad