I’m working in SQL Server 2014, and I have the following simple data, which tracks calling history of users:
PhoneNumber Activity ActivityDate ------------------------------------ 9075551234 Incoming 2022-04-01 9075551234 Outgoing 2022-04-06 9075551234 Outgoing 2022-04-10 9075551234 Outgoing 2022-08-02 9075551234 Incoming 2022-08-05 9075551234 Lateral 2022-08-10 5551239876 Incoming 2022-07-01 5551239876 Outgoing 2022-07-06 5551239876 Outgoing 2022-08-01 5551239876 Outgoing 2022-08-02 5551239876 Incoming 2022-08-15
I need to group the ACTIVITY values into one field, which effortlessly be done using the STUFF FOR XML function:
phonenumber FirstContact LatestContact Result ------------------------------------------------------------------ 5551239876 2022-07-01 2022-08-15 Incoming,Outgoing,Outgoing,Outgoing,Incoming 9075551234 2022-04-01 2022-08-10 Incoming,Outgoing,Outgoing,Outgoing,Incoming,Lateral
However I need to conditionally group these, on the condition that there was more than a 90 day between the activity date. Desired result:
phonenumber FirstContact LatestContact Result ------------------------------------------------------------------- 9075551234 2022-04-01 2022-04-10 Incoming,Outgoing,Outgoing 9075551234 2022-08-02 2022-08-10 Outgoing,Incoming,Lateral 5551239876 2022-07-01 2022-08-15 Incoming,Outgoing,Outgoing,Outgoing,Incoming
Here’s the code/sample values I’m using, thanks!
DECLARE @separator CHAR(1) = ','; WITH testTable (PhoneNumber,Activity,ActivityDate) as ( SELECT 9075551234 , 'Incoming' , '2022-04-01' UNION ALL SELECT 9075551234 , 'Outgoing' , '2022-04-06' UNION ALL SELECT 9075551234 , 'Outgoing' , '2022-04-10' UNION ALL SELECT 9075551234 , 'Outgoing' , '2022-08-02' UNION ALL SELECT 9075551234 , 'Incoming' , '2022-08-05' UNION ALL SELECT 9075551234 , 'Lateral' , '2022-08-10' UNION ALL SELECT 5551239876 , 'Incoming' , '2022-07-01' UNION ALL SELECT 5551239876 , 'Outgoing' , '2022-07-06' UNION ALL SELECT 5551239876 , 'Outgoing' , '2022-08-01' UNION ALL SELECT 5551239876 , 'Outgoing' , '2022-08-02' UNION ALL SELECT 5551239876 , 'Incoming' , '2022-08-15' ) SELECT p.phonenumber , min(activitydate) FirstContact ,max(activitydate) LatestContact , STUFF((SELECT @separator + Activity FROM testTable AS c WHERE c.phonenumber = p.phonenumber FOR XML PATH('')), 1, LEN(@separator), '') AS Result FROM testTable AS p GROUP BY p.phonenumber ORDER BY p.phonenumber;
Below query will able to generate the desired result. Please not I have addeed one more row in your input data to validate results
DECLARE @separator CHAR(1) = ','; DECLARE @allowedgap smallint = 90; WITH testTable (PhoneNumber,Activity,ActivityDate) as ( SELECT 9075551234 , 'Incoming' , '2022-04-01' UNION ALL SELECT 9075551234 , 'Outgoing' , '2022-04-06' UNION ALL SELECT 9075551234 , 'Outgoing' , '2022-04-10' UNION ALL SELECT 9075551234 , 'Outgoing' , '2022-08-02' UNION ALL SELECT 9075551234 , 'Incoming' , '2022-08-05' UNION ALL SELECT 9075551234 , 'Lateral' , '2022-08-10' UNION ALL SELECT 9075551234 , 'Lateral' , '2022-12-10' UNION ALL SELECT 5551239876 , 'Incoming' , '2022-07-01' UNION ALL SELECT 5551239876 , 'Outgoing' , '2022-07-06' UNION ALL SELECT 5551239876 , 'Outgoing' , '2022-08-01' UNION ALL SELECT 5551239876 , 'Outgoing' , '2022-08-02' UNION ALL SELECT 5551239876 , 'Incoming' , '2022-08-15' ) , testTable2 as ( select t.PhoneNumber , t.Activity , t.ActivityDate , LAST_VALUE(t.ActivityDate) OVER (PARTITION BY t.PhoneNumber ORDER BY t.ActivityDate rows BETWEEN current row and 1 Following ) AS NextActivityDate , First_VALUE(t.ActivityDate) OVER (PARTITION BY t.PhoneNumber ORDER BY t.ActivityDate rows BETWEEN 1 preceding and current row ) AS PreviousActivityDate from testTable t ) , testTable3 as ( select t.PhoneNumber , t.Activity , t.ActivityDate --, t.NextActivityDate --, t.PreviousActivityDate , case when DATEDIFF(day,t.PreviousActivityDate, t.ActivityDate) > @allowedgap then 1 else 0 end newPeroidStart from testTable2 t ) , testTable4 as (select t.PhoneNumber , t.Activity , t.ActivityDate , sum(newPeroidStart) over(PARTITION BY t.PhoneNumber ORDER BY t.ActivityDate ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) grp from testTable3 t ) SELECT p.phonenumber , min(activitydate) FirstContact ,max(activitydate) LatestContact , STUFF((SELECT @separator + Activity FROM testTable4 AS c WHERE c.phonenumber = p.phonenumber and c.grp = p.grp order by c.ActivityDate FOR XML PATH('')), 1, LEN(@separator), '') AS Result FROM testTable4 AS p GROUP BY p.phonenumber, p.grp ORDER BY p.phonenumber;
Please refer excellent article from Itzik Ben-Gan is on very similar problem for more details https://sqlperformance.com/2018/09/t-sql-queries/special-islands