I know this question may sound like a duplicate, but I searched and couldn’t find a good answer yet.
I have a stored procedure (started) that looks like this:
Declare @idCC int Declare @TrStatus int Declare @FirstName varchar(50) Declare @LastName varchar(50) Declare @Email varchar(50) Declare @Plant varchar(50) SELECT @idCC=dbo.CC_Contacts.idCC, @FirstName=dbo.CC_Contacts.Firstname, @LastName=dbo.CC_Contacts.Lastname, @Email=dbo.CC_Contacts.Email, @Plant=dbo.CC_Plants.PlantName FROM dbo.CC_Contacts INNER JOIN dbo.CC_ContactGroups ON dbo.CC_Contacts.idCC = dbo.CC_ContactGroups.idCC INNER JOIN dbo.CC_Plants ON dbo.CC_Contacts.idPlant = dbo.CC_Plants.idPlant CROSS JOIN dbo.CC_Groups INNER JOIN dbo.CC_ECPGroups ON dbo.CC_Groups.idGroup = dbo.CC_ECPGroups.idGroup INNER JOIN dbo.ECP_ProbRpt ON dbo.CC_ECPGroups.ECPName = dbo.ECP_ProbRpt.ECPName WHERE (dbo.ECP_ProbRpt.ProbIdx = @PRid) AND (dbo.CC_Groups.IsPRGroup = 1) AND (dbo.CC_ECPGroups.Condition = 1) AND (dbo.CC_Contacts.Status = 1) AND (dbo.CC_Contacts.PRnotify = 1) INSERT INTO [dbo].[ECP_TR_Recipients](idTr, TrStatus, idCC, FirstName, LastName, Email, Plant) VALUES ( @idTr, '1', @idCC, @FirstName, @LastName, @Email, @Plant)
The problem is the Select returns multiple rows and all of them need to be inserted into the other table. I’m really just not sure where to go from here. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.
I tested the select query separately, it works great. I just need it to iterate through the results and insert them all.
Thanks for your help!
You don’t need to use a declaration just use insert into table1 column_name select column_name from table2
, in your example like this
INSERT INTO [dbo].[ECP_TR_Recipients](idTr, TrStatus, idCC, FirstName, LastName, Email, Plant) SELECT dbo.CC_Contacts.idCC, dbo.CC_Contacts.Firstname, dbo.CC_Contacts.Lastname, dbo.CC_Contacts.Email, dbo.CC_Plants.PlantName FROM dbo.CC_Contacts INNER JOIN dbo.CC_ContactGroups ON dbo.CC_Contacts.idCC = dbo.CC_ContactGroups.idCC INNER JOIN dbo.CC_Plants ON dbo.CC_Contacts.idPlant = dbo.CC_Plants.idPlant CROSS JOIN dbo.CC_Groups INNER JOIN dbo.CC_ECPGroups ON dbo.CC_Groups.idGroup = dbo.CC_ECPGroups.idGroup INNER JOIN dbo.ECP_ProbRpt ON dbo.CC_ECPGroups.ECPName = dbo.ECP_ProbRpt.ECPName WHERE (dbo.ECP_ProbRpt.ProbIdx = @PRid) AND (dbo.CC_Groups.IsPRGroup = 1) AND (dbo.CC_ECPGroups.Condition = 1) AND (dbo.CC_Contacts.Status = 1) AND (dbo.CC_Contacts.PRnotify = 1)
If you want to add more static columns in the table just add fake columns in the select statement
INSERT INTO [dbo].[ECP_TR_Recipients](idTr, TrStatus, idCC, FirstName, LastName, Email, Plant) SELECT @idTr as idTr, '1', dbo.CC_Contacts.idCC, dbo.CC_Contacts.Firstname, dbo.CC_Contacts.Lastname, dbo.CC_Contacts.Email, dbo.CC_Plants.PlantName