I’m using SQL Server 2017 (v14.0).
I have two tables with one-to-many relationship. I need to group the rows in the “Orders” table and by this info create the row in the “Transactions” table, then I need set the relationship – for a created transaction I need set the TransactionId to related order’s rows in one query/transaction flow to keep the consistency.
I correctly insert the new row by grouped data, but can’t update the related rows in “Orders” table to set the relationship (TransactionId) for related “Transactions”.
Can you, please, help with composing the query statement or get the clue to move in the right direction?
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Orders] ( [OrderId] INT NOT NULL, [TransactionId] INT NULL, [OrderVolume] DECIMAL(18, 8) NOT NULL, [OrderCurrencyId] INT NOT NULL, ) CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Transactions] ( [TransactionId] INT NULL, [Volume] DECIMAL(18, 8) NOT NULL, ) INSERT INTO Transactions (Volume) OUTPUT INSERTED.[TransactionId] --also need to update the rows in "Orders" that take a part in grouping to set the relationship SELECT SUM(OrderVolume) AS OrderVolume, FROM Orders GROUP BY Orders.OrderCurrencyId
The problem with the OUTPUT
clause in an INSERT
statement is that it doesn’t allow you to select any field from the source table.
You can achieve this using MERGE
statement instead:
DECLARE @t TABLE([TransactionId] INT, [OrderCurrencyId] INT) MERGE Transactions trgt USING ( SELECT SUM(OrderVolume) AS OrderVolume , Orders.OrderCurrencyId AS OrderCurrencyId FROM Orders GROUP BY Orders.OrderCurrencyId ) AS src ON (1=0) WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT ( [Volume] ) VALUES (src.OrderVolume) OUTPUT [inserted].[TransactionId], src.[OrderCurrencyId] INTO @t; UPDATE Orders SET TransactionId = t.TransactionId FROM Orders JOIN @t t ON Orders.OrderCurrencyId = t.OrderCurrencyId