I have this script which finds all tables that contain data in column RGNCODE
. I’m trying to amend this to find tables that contain a specific value for rgncode across all tables. So RGNCODE = 'UK'
. Unsure where to add this in?
SELECT sys.columns.name AS ColumnName, tables.name AS TableName FROM sys.columns JOIN sys.tables ON sys.columns.object_id = tables.object_id WHERE sys.columns.name = 'rgncode' and tables.name in ( SELECT [TableName] = so.name FROM sysobjects so, sysindexes si WHERE so.xtype = 'U' AND si.id = so.id GROUP BY so.name HAVING max(si.rows) > 0 )
A dynamic statement, using system catalog views, is an option here:
DECLARE @stm nvarchar(max) = N'' SELECT @stm = @stm + CASE WHEN @stm = N'' THEN '' ELSE N'UNION ALL ' END + N'SELECT ''' + QUOTENAME(sch.[name]) + '.' + QUOTENAME(tab.[name]) + ''' AS TableName FROM ' + QUOTENAME(sch.[name]) + '.' + QUOTENAME(tab.[name]) + N' WHERE RGNCODE = ''UK'' HAVING COUNT(*) > 0 ' FROM sys.columns col JOIN sys.tables tab ON col.object_id = tab.object_id JOIN sys.schemas sch ON tab.schema_id = sch.schema_id WHERE col.[name] = 'RGNCODE' PRINT @stm EXEC sp_executesql @stm