I am trying to convert the time format from YYYYMMDD-HHMM
to mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm
. My issue is that the data is not consistent. Below is some exemple:
20200814-1230 20200814-1230 20200814 20200814
I tried to use:
CONVERT(datetime,LEFT(id,8),120) + ' ' + LEFT(RIGHT(ID , 6) ,2) + ':' + SUBSTRING(RIGHT(ID , 6) , 3,2),
but the issue is that some data does not have time.
You can do it like this:
declare @dt varchar(100) = '20200814-1230' select substring(@dt, 5,2) + '/' + substring(@dt, 7,2) + '/' + substring(@dt, 1,4) + case when len(@dt) > 8 then ' ' + substring(@dt, 10,2) + ':' + substring(@dt, 12,2) else '' end