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SQL Server CASE expression that does not result in waterfall

If I have a case expression is there a way it does not work as a waterfall?

For example if I have the following dataset:

group    value
derek    5
cait     1
david    2
denver   3

Is there a way I can show the following results

    WHEN group like 'd%' then d
    WHEN group like 'de% then de
    ELSE other

To show

group  value
d      10
de     8
other  3

Right now it shows as

group  value
d      10
other  2



You can use a left join instead:

select coalesce(which, 'other'), sum(t.value)
from t left join
     (values ('d%', 'd'), ('de%', 'de')
     ) v(pattern, which)
     on like v.pattern
group by which;
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