I want to retrieve the property which an user paid a tax last.
have two tables person_properties
and property_taxes
person_properties --------- person_id property_id
property_taxes --------- property_id year
What I tried so far:
SELECT pp.person_id, MAX(pt.year) FROM property_taxes pt JOIN person_properties pp ON pt.property_id = pp.property_id GROUP BY pp.person_id
This gives me the person_id
along the max year.
But I actually need the property_id
, the property which an user paid last.
If I replace pp.person_id
by pp.property_id
, I then get all properties, of course.. not grouped by person, which excludes an user that has more than one property.
Any little tweak that can help me get the desired result?
might do what you want?
SELECT DISTINCT ON (pp.person_id) * FROM property_taxes pt INNER JOIN person_properties pp ON pp.property_id = pt.property_id ORDER BY pp.person_id ASC, pt.year DESC;