I have a set of strings like this:
CAP BCP0018 36 MFP ACZZ1BD 265 LZP FEI-12 3
I need to extract only the last values from the right and before the space, like:
36 265 3
how will the select statement look like? I tried using the below statement, but it did not work.
select CHARINDEX(myField, ' ', -1) FROM myTable;
Perhaps the simplest method in SQL Server is:
select t.*, v.value from t cross apply (select top (1) value from string_split(t.col, ' ') where t.col like concat('% ', val) ) v;
This is perhaps not the most performant method. You probably would use:
select right(t.col, charindex(' ', reverse(t.col)) - 1)
Note: If there are no spaces, then to prevent an error:
select right(t.col, charindex(' ', reverse(t.col) + ' ') - 1)