Say I have the following data set:
--- ---- ---
1 aaa 1
1 aaa 2
1 aaa 5
1 aaa 8
2 bbb 2
2 bbb 4
3 ccc 1
4 ddd 2
5 aaa 2
6 bbb 0
6 bbb 9
How can I group by columns A and B and return a third column that is all unique values of C for that group concatenated together (in a comma separated string) using SQL.
For clarity this is the resultant data set I am looking for:
A B C_Concat
--- ---- ---
1 aaa 1,2,5,8
2 bbb 2,4
3 ccc 1
4 ddd 2
5 aaa 2
6 bbb 0,9
I am currently querying this in MS access, but ideally would be nice if there would be a common solution for all SQL databases.
Note: In this use case the column C only has 10 known values being 0-9
So using the ConcatRelated function did not really solve my problem as it appeared to be quite inefficient and caused the already slow MS access (with a large dataset) to grind to a halt.
I was able to do this in SQL using some sub queries for my use case – As added/noted above the column C consists on a well defined data set.
For my use case the following SQL (and concatenation) in MS Access worked:
SELECT A, B, left(C_tmp, len(C_tmp) - 1) AS C_Concat
FROM (SELECT qry.A, qry.B,
(SELECT "0," FROM Table WHERE PointNumber=qry.A and C=0) &
(SELECT "1," FROM Table WHERE PointNumber=qry.A and C=1) &
(SELECT "2," FROM Table WHERE PointNumber=qry.A and C=2) &
(SELECT "3," FROM Table WHERE PointNumber=qry.A and C=3) &
(SELECT "4," FROM Table WHERE PointNumber=qry.A and C=4) &
(SELECT "5," FROM Table WHERE PointNumber=qry.A and C=5) &
(SELECT "6," FROM Table WHERE PointNumber=qry.A and C=6) &
(SELECT "7," FROM Table WHERE PointNumber=qry.A and C=7) &
(SELECT "8," FROM Table WHERE PointNumber=qry.A and C=8) &
(SELECT "9," FROM Table WHERE PointNumber=qry.A and C=9)
AS C_tmp
FROM (SELECT A, B FROM Table GROUP BY A, B) AS qry) AS qry2;
Other alternatives I looked at was exporting all data/tables into another database that supported string aggregation. This would provide a much more universal solution where the contents of the C column were not known. I believe the solutions here would be (please feel free to expand this list if it helps):
Mariadb: Use group_concat
Oracle 11g R2 and above: Use listagg
Oracle below 11g R2: Use wm_concat
Hopefully this helps someone…