I have 1 table and 4 columns. I would like to get max value from visit and spending with use condition as max visit first and max spending second.
The result should be shown on the YELLOW highlight on Image above.
For my code below. Please help me in a better way to do this.
select tt.*
from #max_location as tt,
(select member_number,
max(max_visit) as maxvisit,
max(spending) as maxspending
from #max_location
group by member_number) as max_visit
where tt.member_number = max_visit.member_number
and tt.max_visit = max_visit.maxvisit
and tt.spending = max_visit.maxspending
order by tt.member_number desc
This would be the ANSI/ISO SQL way of writing the query:
select tt.*
from #max_location tt
join (
select member_number,
max(max_visit) as max_visit,
max(spending) as max_spending
from #max_location
group by member_number
) as mv on mv.member_number = tt.member_number
and mv.max_visit = tt.max_visit
and mv.max_spending = tt.spending
order by tt.member_number desc