I have a variable and based on the variable I want to exclude the value from the select command. It works fine if I want to exclude 1 string, but if it’s not working if I’m excluding multiple string in same condition. Here’s the code. It works fine when variable is abc and EFG, but for XYZ I want to exclude both ‘abc’ and ‘efg’
select table.column1 from table where column1 not like case when variable = 'abc' THEN '%abc%' when variable = 'EFG' THEN '%efg%' when variable = 'XYZ' THEN '%abc%' and '%efg%' else '_' END
I tried with ‘%abc%’ and ‘%efg%’ and ‘%(abc|efg)%’ and ‘%abc%’ || and || ‘%efg%’, but none of them seems to be working.
I think you want:
where (variable = 'abc' and column1 not like '%abc%') or (variable = 'EFG' and column1 not like '%EFG%') or (variable = 'XYZ' and column1 not like '%abc%' and column1 not like '%XYZ%') or (variable not in ('abc', 'EFG', 'XYZ'))