We have a DB table that contains company job codes like so:
ID Code Company
1 EW10 ***
2 EW10 DEU
3 EW10 DEC
4 EW20 ***
5 EW30 DEU
6 EW40 DEC
The ‘***’ in company represents an enterprise level job code which can be overwritten at the employer level (DEU, DEC).
I need a select statement that returns rows with the following conditions:
If there are no company specific Codes (e.g., EW20) then return the enterprise level row (e.g., row 4)
If there are company specific rows, return all company specific rows
The result set I need would be the following:
ID Code Company
2 EW10 DEU
3 EW10 DEC
4 EW20 ***
5 EW30 DEU
6 EW40 DEC
You can can do this using an OR for the two scenarios:
FROM YourTable yt1
WHERE Company <> '***'
SELECT 1 FROM YourTable yt2
WHERE yt2.Code = yt1.Code AND yt2.Company <> '***'