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sql: scan row(s) with unknown number of columns (select * from …)

I have a table t containing a lot of columns, and my sql is like this: select * from t. Now I only want to scan one column or two from the wide returned row set. However, the sql.Scan accepts dest ...interface{} as arguments. Does it mean I have to scan everything and use only the column I needed?

I know I could change the sql from select * to select my_favorite_rows, however, in this case, I have no way to change the sql.



You can make use of Rows.Columns, e.g.

package main

import (


type Vehicle struct {
    Id     int
    Name   string
    Wheels int

// VehicleCol returns a reference for a column of a Vehicle
func VehicleCol(colname string, vh *Vehicle) interface{} {
    switch colname {
    case "id":
        return &vh.Id
    case "name":
        return &vh.Name
    case "wheels":
        return &vh.Wheels
        panic("unknown column " + colname)

func panicOnErr(err error) {
    if err != nil {

func main() {
    conn, err := pq.ParseURL(`postgres://docker:docker@`)

    var db *sql.DB
    db, err = sql.Open("postgres", conn)

    var rows *sql.Rows
    rows, err = db.Query("select * from vehicle")

    // get the column names from the query
    var columns []string
    columns, err = rows.Columns()

    colNum := len(columns)

    all := []Vehicle{}

    for rows.Next() {
        vh := Vehicle{}

        // make references for the cols with the aid of VehicleCol
        cols := make([]interface{}, colNum)
        for i := 0; i < colNum; i++ {
            cols[i] = VehicleCol(columns[i], &vh)

        err = rows.Scan(cols...)

        all = append(all, vh)

    fmt.Printf("%#vn", all)
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