I am trying to replace the special characters in a string with the URL encoding values to which they correspond. Below is some example code I have been working with.
Thanks for the help.
create table #url_encoding_lookup(character varchar(10), code varchar (20)) insert into #url_encoding_lookup (character, code) values ('!', '%21'), ('"', '%22'), ('#', '%23'), ('$', '%24'), ('%', '%25'), ('&', '%26'), ('''', '%27'), ('(', '%28'), (')', '%29'), ('*', '%2A'), ('+', '%2B'), (',', '%2C'), ('-', '%2D'), ('.', '%2E'), ('/', '%2F') Create table #data (string varchar (200)) insert into #data values ('Jim (BoB)'), ('Will''s Place'), ('Auto-Mart') select * from #data select * from #url_encoding_lookup desired results would be Jim %28Bob%29 Will%27s Place Auto%2DMart
Create procedure
BEGIN DECLARE _end BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE _result CHAR(200) DEFAULT str; DECLARE _find VARCHAR(32); DECLARE _replace VARCHAR(32); DECLARE _cur CURSOR FOR SELECT _character, _code FROM url_encoding_lookup; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET _end = TRUE; OPEN _cur; _loop: LOOP FETCH _cur INTO _find, _replace; IF _end THEN LEAVE _loop; END IF; SET _result = REPLACE(_result, _find, _replace); END LOOP _loop; CLOSE _cur; RETURN _result; END
SELECT _replace_chars(name) FROM `data`
Jim %28BoB%29 Will%27s Place Auto%2DMart