- Single-lines comments (e.g. — my comment) should be removed.
- Multi-line comments (e.g. /* my comment */) should be removed.
- The content of strings literals (e.g. ‘this is a multi-line comment: /* my comment */’) should be ignored.
- The content of identifiers (e.g. “– column 1 –“) should be ignored.
literals and identifiers
Literals and identifiers can span over multiple lines
Single-line comments
A single-line comment might be the last element of the code and might not end with a newline.
Nested multi-line comments
In databases such as SQL Server and PostgreSQL, multi-line comments can be nested, e.g –
/* outer comment /* inner comment */ */
The following code is invalid since only the inner comment is closed:
/* opened outer comment /* closed inner comment */
In databases such as Teradata, Oracle, MySql and SQLite there is no concept of nested comments. The following code is invalid since the comment is already closed with the leftmost */.
/* comment /* is closed */ ERROR */
This however is a valid code:
/* comment /* still the same comment */
with t (txt) as
select '
select /* comment /* yada yada yada /* / // bla bla bla
*/ t1.i
,''"SRC''''"'' as "This''is''the
from t1 /* "Comment 2" - '' */ cross join t2 -- /* comment 3 */
where t2.v = ''/*DST"*
/'' -- comment 4'
select regexp_replace (txt,'(''.*?''|".*?")|/*.*?*/|--.*?(?=[rn]|$)','1',1,0,'n') as clean_txt
from t
with t (txt) as
select '
select /* comment /* yada yada yada /* / // bla bla bla
*/ t1.i
,''"SRC''''"'' as "This''is''the
from t1 /* "Comment 2" - '' */ cross join t2 -- /* comment 3 */
where t2.v = ''/*DST"*
/'' -- comment 4'
from dual
select regexp_replace (txt,'(''.*?''|".*?")|/*.*?*/|--.*?(?=$|Z)','1',1,0,'nm')
from t
select t1.i
,'"SRC''"' as "This'is'the
from t1 cross join t2
where t2.v = '/*DST"*